Photo by Ricardo Hubbs
Due to high interest each year, registration for the Hearties Family Reunion is done through the Opportunity Drawing process to give everyone an equal chance of attending. To be considered for a spot, read through the instructions below. Be sure to review the Refund Policy which is different than previous years.
Opportunity Drawing Submission Period:
June 3rd, 2024, 10:00 a.m. EST/7:00 a.m. PST through June 9th, 2024, 8:00 p.m. EST/5:00 p.m. PST
UPDATE: The Opportunity Drawing submission period is now CLOSED.
The number of Hearties we can accommodate is based on many factors, including venue availability, lodging options and costs, as well as making the experience as pleasant as possible for all Hearties in attendance. There is a two-ticket maximum, and please note that any registrant under the age of eighteen must be accompanied by a registered adult.
STEP ONE: Complete the Opportunity Drawing form found in the navigation tab titled “Opportunity Drawing.” (UPDATE: This is now CLOSED.) There is a two-ticket maximum, so if you want to attend with a friend or family member, you will enter them on the same opportunity drawing form as you (Person One and Person Two). You will need to coordinate with them and the two of you will only need to complete ONE form. If you just need one ticket, complete Person One information only.
Review your information for accuracy PRIOR to clicking “submit” as this will be the ONLY way we contact you!
Duplicate entries are not permitted. Any duplicate entries found will be removed.
STEP TWO: After the opportunity drawing entry window closes on June 9th, 2024, forms are then randomly drawn and individuals notified via email from Eventbrite. If there were two of you listed on your Opportunity Drawing form and your form is drawn, you will BOTH receive an email to register. Full payment is required at Step Two of registration, so be sure you have read through our refund policy listed below prior to submitting payment.
The drawing takes some time, so please be patient. We will post on social media when the first batch of emails are sent.
Check your email regularly!! We cannot stress this enough. Once the email is sent, you will have 48 hours to complete your registration through Eventbrite with payment as instructed in the email. If you have not completed your registration with the link provided within 48 hours the link will expire, and we will move on to the next Heartie in the drawing. We will post a notice on all social media and here on the website once all spots have been filled.
PLEASE NOTE: Not everyone who enters claims their spot! Many factors may keep them from being able to claim their spot. For this reason, we will continue to draw again after each round until all spots are filled.
All sales are final. Registrations are non-refundable and non-transferable to other individuals.
Registration Fee: $499 USD + Eventbrite fees/per person
Your registration fee includes:
Optional Bus Tour of Vancouver on Friday
Admission to Friday night’s Hearties Welcome Party
Friday night welcome dinner
Admission to Saturday’s event with the cast
Buffet lunch during Saturday’s festivities
Admission to Hearties’ Cinema and ice cream social Saturday night
Breakfast Sunday morning
Bus transportation Sunday to and from set
Sunday in Hope Valley at the Jamestown Movie Set where WCTH is filmed
Sunday lunch at Locality Brewing with the MacInnes family
Exclusive Hearties swag
Refund Policy
All sales are final. Registrations are non-refundable and non-transferable to other individuals.
Photo by Ricardo Hubbs
Please note: Hearties Family Reunion Administration reserves the right to decline the registration application of an individual if their attendance is determined to be a risk to the safety of the cast or any attendees. If such a determination is made, the registration will be refunded in full.